Everyday Quilt Inspiration: Hermit Crabs

Hermit Crabs color scheme from Clever Chameleon

31 Days of Finding Quilt Inspiration in Real Life

Yesterday we stopped for a picnic lunch at a little spot where the beach is accessible, between the two Vanuatu villages we are working in.

Picnic lunch spot in Vanuatu
Picnic lunch spot in Vanuatu

Finding Quilt Inspiration in the Everyday: Day 5

Hermit crabs in Vanuatu

Once we had settled and stopped moving around, we discovered that the pebbly beach was swarming with tiny hermit crabs. The smallest were wearing shells of less than half an inch long. The biggest one we found was less than an inch and a half in length. They were fast and shy, disappearing instantly if anyone moved suddenly or cast a shadow over them. Of course, hermit crabs are a novelty to my family. But they are everyday critters for the Ni-Vanuatu villagers here.

How was I inspired by the Hermit Crabs?

Hermit crabs in VanuatuWell, while the kids ruined their shoes by getting “unintentionally” wet in the ocean, I amused myself by trying to get photos of the tiny, speedy hermit crabs. When I looked at the photos later, I thought several might make good starting points for appliqué designs.

So here is my first mock-up of a design for a hermit crab appliqué from the photo above.

Hermit Crab appliqué design by Clever Chameleon

For the most part I traced the approximate shapes of the crab from the photo.

What about you? Do you use your photos to help you draw appliqués? If you are not a confident drawer, taking pictures of your subjects and tracing them is a good way to generate original designs that mean something special to you. Start with a photo of a loved one, a flower from your garden, a piece of fruit, an interesting leaf, a pet, your favourite ornaments…… the everyday objects around you that you could appliqué are almost endless.

I hope you like hermit crabs. I do.

See you again tomorrow!

P.S. You can find the start of my 31 Days of Everyday Quilt Inspiration blog post series here. Or you can find the Write 31 Days website here, for hundreds more 31-day series on all sorts of topics. Enjoy!

2 Replies to “Everyday Quilt Inspiration: Hermit Crabs”

    1. Hi Joy, great question! I imagine others might also like to know. I use Inkscape for all my drawings. It is very similar to Illustrator, only free and open-source. It is available for Mac and PC. It’s definitely worth the learning curve. xx

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